Year: 2016

  • Boon


  • Collage 2

    in Peace,

  • The NHS: when statistics and politics collide

    There are two key pieces of evidence to consider with regard to Jeremy Hunt’s recent handling of NHS management: 1) The original paper, which can be found here. 2) Jeremy Hunt believes in homeopathy. The man ultimately in charge of the NHS believes in homeopathy. (!)* Combine the two and ask yourself if Jeremy Hunt […]

  • The hypocrisy of marketising education

    Have you heard the famous story about Thatcher visiting Oxford in the late 80s. Supposedly she asked a young woman what she was studying. “Norse literature,” the woman replied. To which Thatcher said, “What a luxury.” Is not the central promise of free market capitalism a little luxury? I was thinking about this in light […]

  • But

  • Economics Ab Initio

    In this article I will be offering a critique of current economic discourse. Essentially my claim is that the majority of discourse is based on fundamentally true statements regarding the effect of some policy in terms of some numerical value but, crucially, that such statements fail to provide any information regarding the actual value under […]

  • Filthy lefty wants out of Europe

    I want out. I’m going to make a couple of points but essentially it comes down to a sense of disgust at seeing a great nation, the largest military power in Europe and one of its biggest economies reduced to haggling over benefits for new migrants. Pittance my friends! It is a perfect example of […]

  • Casual S**

    xoxo * e * x

  • Free market socialism

    The great lesson of China’s assent has been that things which appeared to us inherently connected are now revealed as two separate entities that exist independently. Their creation of capitalism without democracy creates space for a whole set of apparently contradictory systems of government. Here, I will be discussing the possibility of free market socialism. […]

  • In defence of Islamaphobia

    The essential thrust of my argument is that the term Islamaphobia dangerously conflates two things. The first being Islam and the second being Muslims. Can we make no distinction between an idea and the vessel that contains it? To put my position crudely: Human beings deserve respect. Ideas deserve nothing. I would therefore like to […]

  • Self reference in economic theory

    Perhaps the most serious critique of Marxist and Hegelian dialectical materialism is put forth in Karl Popper’s little gem The Poverty of Historicism. If I may be so bold as to offer my own summary of the main argument I give the following: Any objective approach to economic or social theory is fundamentally unscientific and […]