Tarot reading 9

The sideways infinite

1. The Page of Cups

      A dandy. A pretty young man. I could have thought of something better than the Rider Waite deck that I lazily copied in hindsight. Like my copy the very thing was decadent and unimaginative.

      2. The Three of Pentacles

        Again a straight copy but I enjoy the intrigue of the three figures in a religious building. A fool. A monk. A spy.

        3. The Ten of Swords

        Again a straight copy but the body with ten swords is a great card.

          The reading

          The decadent youth spends hi father’s money on fine clothes and ridiculous cocktails. After getting drunk on a fish blood mix he gambles away the last of his inheritance. Forced to a criminal investment he makes enemies with the wrong people. Three thieves meet to plot his murder. When they find him drunk they pin him to the ground with ten swords. One fore every thousand he owes. They stab him with four and three and three. The body is left outside the town for weeks before being found.

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